As we come screaming into the end of another year, how about we take some time to pause and reflect. Instead of rushing to get our new resolutions and goals for 2025 sorted, why don’t we truly honour the year we've just had.
I’m as eager as the next person to stick up a my new cow yoga 2025 calendar. However, by taking time to reflect on the year, it allows us to:
Acknowledge Our Growth: Let’s recognise the challenges we’ve overcome and the strength we’ve developed
Release What No Longer Serves: It’s a good time to let go of those limiting beliefs, unproductive patterns, and emotional baggage …and maybe even people
Celebrate Your Victories: Celebrate your achievements and wins – the big AND the small
Create Intentional Space:Â Take some time to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the new year ahead
So grab your journal, take some time in a quiet, comfortable space and ask yourself the following questions:Â
·        What were the most significant lessons I learned this year?
·        In what ways have I grown or changed that might not be immediately visible?
·        What challenges did I face that ultimately contributed to my personal development?
·        What emotions have been most prevalent for me this year?
·        Which experiences brought me genuine joy?
·        What unresolved feelings am I carrying that need healing or release?
·        How have my relationships evolved over the past year?
·        Which connections have nourished my soul, and which might I need to let go of?
·        What patterns in my relationships am I ready to transform?
·        Where did I feel most aligned with my core values this year?
·        What dreams or aspirations are calling me more strongly now?
·        How can I create more harmony between my personal and professional path?
Remember, closing the year isn't about beating yourself up if you didn’t manage to achieve every goal on your list.  It's about acknowledging being human, embracing your journey, and moving forward with self-compassion, wisdom and lots of love.
Take this time to also be proud of yourself.  Whether you realise it or not, you’re not the same person that you were at the beginning of year - you've grown, you've learned and you've transformed.
While next year is a bit of a blank page, you take with you the experiences you lived this year which will make your journey through next year beautiful, complex, and uniquely yours.
 Much love
Carmen x